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Should I Create a Birth Plan?
Learn about the why behind creating a birth plan and the benefits it can bring to your birth team, your thoughts, and even how you prepare.

Midwife vs Doula: What Are Their Roles?
Let's take a deep dive today on what roles a midwife and doula play at a birth to help you decide who you would like to be present.

Can I Have an Unmedicated Hospital Birth?
If you desire an unmedicated hospital birth, here are some tips to help you achieve your goal

3 Tips on Preparing for Postpartum
So, what can you do to help make this transition from pregnancy to postpartum smoother? Here are 3 things you can do...

Find Out Your Provider's True Feelings About Birth
Once you find out your pregnant, the first thing you want to do is find a provider. Some women know the provider they will go with right...

Postpartum Prep: What I'm Doing Differently This Time
This is what I'm doing this time around to prepare for my own postpartum journey.

Benefits of Hiring a Birth Doula
What exactly is a doula and how can hiring one change your birth experience?

How to Have a Successful (No Fuss) Newborn Photo
Guest post by Amy from Blessed Moments and Blissful Hearts Photography in Pittsburgh, PA.

How to Get Your Husband/Partner Involved
Tips on how to involve your husband/partner more in the pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum periods.

How to Choose a Provider for Your Pregnancy
What are your options when choosing a provider for your pregnancy care?

What I'm Doing Differently This Pregnancy
Just hours before attending my first birth as a birth doula this fall, we found out that we were expecting our third. Completely...

The Pregnant Pause of Advent
Entering into the 'pregnant pause' before Christmas

Preparing for Your Birth Like Preparing for Your Wedding
What if women prepared for their birth like they did for their wedding?

Holiday Sale: $50 Off Doula Services
The support you desire and deserve at $50 off!

How to Choose A Childbirth Class
When you become pregnant, it's like a whole new world opens up to you. There are maternity clothes, foods you have to avoid, different...

Round Ligament Pain
As you clear into the second trimester, you may start to feel a sudden, sharp pain in your groin. What is this pain?

Combat Fear of Labor with a Doula
There are many reasons to fear labor, but you don't have to go in unprepared.

Benefits of Creating a Birth Plan
What is a birth plan and why should I make one?
Blessed Be Birth Blog
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